Any organization interested in collaborating with or contributing to the Prescott-Russell Coalition to Eliminate Violence Towards Women of Prescott-Russell can become a member.
Each member must adhere to the mission, vision, mandate, values and beliefs of the Coalition by signing a pledge form.
In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Children and Community and Social Services, the Coalition will be able to draw its members from the following sectors:
- The violence against women sector (i.e. organizations that provide services to abused women and their children, whether the abuse is physical, psychological, sexual, financial; shelter services, counselling, etc.).
- The justice sector (i.e., police and victim services, Crown prosecutors, judges);
One or more other representatives from the following sectors: - Health Sector
- Housing sector
- First Nations, Inuit and Métis Services
- Child Welfare Sector
- Settlement / Immigration Services
- Other social service networks